If you’ve ever attempted shower repair work before, you’ll know that there are a number of basic safety precautions you need to take before you begin, such as isolating the shower from the electrical mains and drying down the area in which you are working. There are however, some other precautions that you may not have thought about. These are not necessarily safety measures, but they could help to protect your shower and your bathroom from unnecessary damage during the repair process. In this post we’ll go give you some of the top shower repair tips used by the pros, read on!

Block Off The Waste

Imagine you are replacing a part in your shower, and as you unscrew a vital component you drop one of the screws and it disappears down the plug hole before your very eye

s. Now you’re faced with the task of finding a replacement screw or ordering yet more parts for your shower. If only you’d popped in the plug before you began working. If you don’t have a plug, y

ou can place a towel or an old rag over the waste instead. Problem solved.

Protect Your Bath or Shower Tray – Shower Repair Tips

In addition to blocking off the waste, if you are doing some shower repairs a good tip is to place a large piece of cardboard or a heavy dustsheet on the bottom of your bath or shower tray before you start work. This will protect the tub or tray from damage such as chipping, denting or cracking should you drop any heavy tools or shower components into it.

Take Care with Tight Fittings

If you are servicing a shower valve or replacing an internal component, you’ll need to disassemble your shower unit to get to the inner workings. Sometimes fittings can be tight to remove or unscrew, but it’s important not to force them or use the wrong kind of tools to prise them off. Doing so could lead to unsightly damage, or in some cases broken fittings. If you do have to grip parts tightly using a wrench or a pair of pliers, wrap an old rag around them first.

Shower Repair Tips and Servicing - Shower Sales Ireland

Shower Repair Tips & Servicing

Hope you found the above shower repair tips helpful for the next time you find yourself having to do some tinkering at home. At ShowerSales.ie we can fit and repair every shower product that we sell, giving you peace of mind guaranteed! If you need some help with shower repairs then get in touch with us today to experience the difference.

And, if found this post useful make sure to check out our shower repair basics post to get even more info!